Download the 2024 Annual Performance Report

About this online customer summary

This is a summary of our performance against the commitments we agreed to deliver in year four of the five-year business plan period called ‘AMP7’.

Understanding our performance

Customer engagement highlighted the areas that were considered top priorities for the services we provide, and helped shape our plans and the benefits we will deliver.

Year-four overview

This year we have continued to deliver services that customers value, and have seen strong levels of customer satisfaction and improvements to our operational performance.

Highlights of the year

For AMP7 we have seven ‘outcomes’ which describe what we want to achieve for customers.

These outcomes contain a number of ‘performance commitments’.


Met or exceeded performance commitment

Performance commitment not met

Performance trend:




We are always interested in what customers and stakeholders have to say. If you have any comments about this or any of our other publications, please send them to us at and we’ll get back to you.